Our good friends at Parkplace Books invited me to join a few other authors at their holiday party; we'll be there to sign books (always a nice holiday gift!)
Here's the release:
Parkplace Books is hosting our
Eighth Annual Holiday Celebration!
Please join us for an evening of merriment and good cheer
as we celebrate the holiday season with friends, family
and lots of wonderful PacNW authors. Enjoy tasty goodies,
imbibe wine and wassail while visiting with friends ...
or have a book signed by one of our guest authors.
Donate any children’s book to Santa’s Sleigh or food item
in the Gift Box located at the front of the store.
Parkplace Books and KITH (Kirkland Interfaith Transitions
in Housing) will distribute them to Eastside families in need.
Your gift can make a difference!
348 Parkplace Ctr. Kirkland ~ 425-828-6546 ~ parkplacebooks@integra.net